Woman Painting to increase her home valuePainting your home can be an easy way to make a big impact on the value of your house. It will increase its desirability and thus, buyers and sellers should always consider it when trying to value their property!

Paint offers many benefits for both buyers looking into purchasing homes as well as sellers who would like their houses in high demand among potential renters by adding color that might not otherwise exist within walls covered with outdated paint; this means more curb appeal too – which leads us nicely onto our next point…

The Interior of Your Home

Paint should enhance your home’s appearance and bring out its best features. It might be wise to paint all the rooms in a house, but if there are some stains or nicks on the walls it will have an even greater impact than just cleaning them up with soapy water – so don’t hesitate!  We recommend painting high-visibility areas like kitchens bathrooms, etc., since these spaces need more attention than others when redecorating; they are of maximum interest to most people; this will maximize the value of the investment and indicate the property is well-cared-for. 

Ok, how do I choose the right color to increase my home value?

When it comes to choosing colors that improve the value of your home, there are a number of variables to consider. For example, if you live in a planned development, it is wise to check with the Home-Owners Association for restrictions on what type or color paint it allows.  Other factors include regions and their associated preferences. A safe practice is to select neutral colors for rooms that see less traffic (bedrooms, study areas, libraries), and more vibrant colors in others.  It is fun to experiment with color swatches from the local paint supplier, but probably a good idea to review ideas with one of our color consultants, especially if the color selected is a bold one! Check out this article on opendoor for some more ideas.

Contact Kenny’s Painting for a Free Estimate

We know that painting is an important job, and it is difficult to do well without the right tools. That is why we offer our customers expert advice on what they need to house look beautiful again! Our team has been doing this type of work for many years and they take pride in every job.  Call us if you want quality results from trusted professionals who have earned top-ratings in the Philadelphia area.

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